As of 2019, Chanel has a net income of about €2.14 billion and has more than 20,000 employees. Chanel is famous for perfumes, Chanel suits, shoes, and leather bags, among others. Chanel products are sometimes regarded as made from the highest quality materials. Most of Chanel’s leather bags are made from lambskin or caviar leather and crafted by craftsmen mainly from Paris, Spain, and Italy. On every bag made, Chanel does a durability test to guarantee they would last for years. These, among other reasons, are responsible for the high cost of Chanel bags and increase in resale value.
Chanel has a culture of making its most iconic bags more expensive yearly. Hence, Chanel bags can increase in value with time. For instance, Chanel 2.55 design has increased in value about 70% over the past few years. Chanel bags sell for about $6,000 to $9,000 and are only available at Chanel boutiques. Only the resale of Chanel bags is done via online platforms and at reale shops. Limited edition bags are often the best when it comes to the choice of investment.
Many people make their choice of bags exclusively on fashion and taste. They consider primarily the design that compliments their outfit, speaks to them, or just the designer they love. However, if you are all about investment, most or all of those may not be a primary factor. A good investment yields you the expected gain at the predicted time. Time is an essential factor to consider before investing in bags. Bags that increase in value do so that over time, to maximize your investment, you may have to wait for many years.